Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Social

Today I am linking up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup for Sunday Social.  This is my first time doing Sunday Social and love it already!  Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday! Be sure to link up! xoxo

  1. What is your dream job? 

    I am in love with everything business, marketing, PR and sports.... I would love to somehow combine that all into a job where I can stay home with my kids.  I could never just NOT WORK.  I would love to have my own business and do free lance PR/Marketing work.

    2. If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time? 
    I would probably do the same as my dream job.  I don’t really like what I like for the money, its just a passion of mine.  I would probably visit my family more and do a lot more traveling. 

    3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

    I wanted to be a flight surgeon, something that still interests me today.

4. What piece career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field? 

Intern your butt off and network.  The marketing/PR industry is all about that!

5. Biggest Pet Peeves either in life or in blogging or at work: 

LATE PEOPLE.  I literally am always at least 15 min early to everything.  
6. Biggest Fears: 

The dark and unknown.  


  1. I'm always early too! I can't stand to be late! I get all nervous about it and everything.

  2. Nice blog! I must say, though, I'm usually the person who is late! :/ I am really working on it, though! New follower from the link up!

  3. @Alyssa I have the worst late anxiety ever!

    @Holly thanks! I appreciate the follow!

  4. A girl after my own heart! I am ALWAYS EARLY! If I am going to be late...I won't go!

    Taking me a few days to get thru the Sunday Social!
    New Follower! YAY!

    Ramblings of a Southern Belle
