Sunday, July 22, 2012

Marmie is Coming!

Whewwww!  This last week has literally been insane!  This momma's body feels like it just might collapse!  Ready for break! (YEAH RIGHT!) We are just starting our third trimester!  Wow how the time flies!  Three more months and our precious little boy will be here!

Week 28 is going to be full of exitement!  MARMIE IS COMING (my mom) and AUNTIE BOOSE TOO (my sister)!  They will get here Friday- I can't wait!  California is just too far away and sometimes you just need your mom!  She will get to stay for 3 weeks!  Auntie Boose has been in Florida all Summer on a missions trip, so it will be nice to have her back in Missouri for the duration of the pregnancy.

This afternoon Matt and I went out to lunch and before hand we took this picture, Matt looks like a goober, but hey at least I got him to take one :)  So here is the bump at 28 weeks and all the stats :)

Maternity Clothes: Definitely in full force- so thankful for some my Mom sent me from a boutique in CA.  There is literally nothing in Cape G!

Gender: Its a BOY, Colt Bentley Mueller!

Belly Button In/Out: Out!

Weight Gain: 25.8 pounds (hahah I know random number but thats what the scale said this morning)

Stretch Marks:  One big patch :/

Labor Signs: nope!

Movement:  Lots and lots!

Sleep: Nights vary.  I can't get comfortable as easy, but sleep just varies.

What I miss: Being able to do whatever I want and not get tired!

What I am looking forward to: Marmie to get here to help me organize!

Cravings/Aversions: Not much really...

Symptoms: Back Pain

Best Moment This Week: Just seeing his room come along!


  1. Super cute!! You're still so tiny! Glad everything's going good with Colt!!:))

  2. You look so cute! I know it's rough but hang in there. It's all worth it when you have your sweet baby.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Following you now. :)
